Monday, January 14, 2008

A Manifesto

version 1.0

On the Universe

Atoms make up matter. Atoms are composed of subatomic particles combining with energy. Atoms are greater than the sum of their parts. At the beginning of the universe, a huge mass of matter existed at the center of the universe until it was so compacted by the force of gravity that all of the potential energy of the mass was released and the matter was flung infinitely into the reaches of the nothingness of space. Scientists estimate the age of the current universe to be around 13 billion years old. Over those billions of years, all the matter in the universe organized itself according to physical laws that atoms must follow.

On Life

Life is estimated to have begun on Earth 3.7 billion years ago. No one is exactly sure how life began, but it can be extrapolated. It has been proven in labs that carbon, oxygen and hydrogen group together when some electricity is applied to the elements to form organic molecules, the basic building blocks of all life. This simulates the early Earth conditions in which life came about. These molecules organized themselves in ever increasingly complex ways to form single celled organisms, the ancestors to all of life. This life was connected completely to its immediate environment. It gathered energy from its surroundings to power itself. Over time, these cells organized themselves even more complexly to form multi-celled organisms. Populations of organisms evolved ever more complexly to adapt to their environments and to compete with other evolving populations of creatures for food (energy).

All of life is connected together. At the smallest microscopic level to the entire world, every single organism affects something in its environment no matter how small. In the short term, these little interactions may not mean much, but over a long time these effects accumulate to actually be significant. Individual organisms do what they do because they seek to connect with their surroundings in order to get food and attract mates to exchange genetic materials with in order to create new life. Organisms are connected to the other members of their population and without being consciously aware of it, seek to propagate the survival of the species. The behavior of all organisms is dictated by the will to propagate the species. This is manifested in group and social behaviors. Organisms are genetically programmed to do what is right for themselves, which in most cases, is what is right for the survival of the species. Organisms connect to another organism via sexual reproduction to create new life.

On Environment

The environment in which an organism lives has a profound effect on that organism and species. Organisms are inextricably linked to their environments. Every detail of an environment affects the behavior of an organism. The Nature vs. Nurture debate (on the importance of environment vs. genetics) has been solved by scientists. Environment and genetics have equal importance in determining behavior of an organism. Environmental factors inhibit or promote the expression of a gene. It is not difficult to extrapolate from this that the environment an organism develops in affects behavior.

On Connections

Everything in the universe is connected. Without the connection of matter and energy at the subatomic level, the atom would not exist. The atom is animated because of the interaction, the synergy of the pair. Atoms connect to other atoms to form ever increasingly complex objects. Life exists because of the interaction of matter and energy. Energy flows through organisms in different forms, but it is energy nonetheless. Organisms physical bodies are made up of matter, but it is energy that animates us. Life is greater than the sum of its parts.

Life is also possible because of the connection of the organism to its environment. An organism is intensely connected to its environment, physical and ecological. All of life is connected together on this biome that we call Earth. Every move, every action has an effect no matter how negligible. It is a law of physics. We are all connected by energy flowing back and forth.

On Humans

Humans seek to connect to their surroundings. People seek to connect with other people. Genetically modern humans are estimated to have emerged 175,000 to 150,000 years ago. Humans are social animals that survive best when living in groups. Humans are driven by energy and love. Humans, at the very base, do everything out of any kind of love, be it love for oneself, romantic, platonic, familial, religious, love of nature, love of God, love of the universe. Love is what connects humans to one another.

The human brain is greater than the sum of its parts. It is the complex connections of neurons to one another that allows for higher consciousness. What flows between these neural connections is energy. Human consciousness arises from the connection of neural cells in the brain to form a larger group in lobes of the brain. These lobes are in turn connected to one another and allows for the processing of sensory input. The larger grouping of all of these lobes and cortices is the brain, inextricably linked and synergistic to form consciousness. The billions of neural connections within the brain are what produces consciousness.

Human consciousness allows for rational thinking and reasoning. Lower animals are perhaps aware of their surroundings, but lack the necessary neural components to rationally interpret what is happening in their environment. The human mind is able to process and manipulate rationally their environment to suit a particular end. Humans evolved higher brain functioning in order to better gather and hunt for food. Toolmaking and utilization is possible because of this higher reasoning ability. The limiting aspect to human growth and development (individually and universally) is energy. Once humans were better able to organize themselves and make the necessary tools, they were able to farm to produce their food. After that, humans were able to develop machines that used energy to suit a particular end. In the computer age, humans are again able to make machines that mimic the information processing that takes place within the brain, and again use these machines for a particular end. The sole constraint on human development and innovation is the ability to find and harness energy in a particular way in order to accomplish an end.

On an individual level, the constraint is not only energy, but love. A human is produced within a mothers womb. It is the love of the mother (and the sharing of her energy) for her unborn child that allows the child to develop. After a child is born, love is what motivates the mother and her kin to take care and raise the child in the way that they know or feel is best. A child develops best when love is the motivating factor behind each and every one of the choices that the child-rearer makes. A human can reach its full potential when the motivation of love is at the forefront of his or her decision making and the environment in which the human develops.

On Energy

Energy is neither created or destroyed. Energy only changes forms. Energy simply is. Energy drives everything. Energy is what bonds atoms to one another. Energy connects physical objects to one another. Atoms connect to other atoms based on the physical properties of the elements. The atoms form together in increasingly complex manners to form compounds. These compounds are attracted to one another or repulsed based on physical laws. Energy is flowing constantly between the connections. Energy takes many different forms like thermal, electrical, chemical, mechanical and many different subcategories that we humans group energy into in order to make rational sense of our environment. It is all energy. Energy directs everything.

On Love

Humans are driven by Love of any kind. The way we act and look arises out of desire to attract a mate. We do everything that we do because of Love. At the very base, humans are driven by love for themselves (the will to survive), love for their family, friends, mates, neighborhoods, towns, cities, countries and their species. It is what connects people to one another. Animals are no different, except there is little evidence that they are rationally aware of it. Humans connect to what and who they love. There is no good and evil. An ancient proverb states that evil is simply the LACK of Love. Humans are biologically programmed to Love.

On God

People have used the concept of God to explain phenomena since the beginning of humanity. God is the creator, God drives everything. My definition of God is energy. Energy is what exists everywhere. Energy drives everything. Energy IS EVERYTHING. Atoms are irreducibly made up of energy and subatomic particles. The universe is controlled by the hand of God, in that the universe is a complex playing out of the connection of matter and energy. The human experience of God is when an event occurs out of pure LOVE.

version history:

1.0 - 1/12/08