Sunday, September 30, 2007

just copying and pasting a musing of mine from facebook

Alright, this is something that I've been tossing around in my head for awhile now. I think that my friends would get where I'm coming from so I decided to post this on Facebook. It's hard for me to explain because it's so clear in my mind that it's near impossible to recreate completely in writing. But I'm gonna try, so bear with me.

Everything in the universe is connected. Everything we do affects something in our environment. No matter how small, everyone and everything impacts their environment. This extends to our immediate environment, our world and ultimately our universe. Life exists between the connection of matter and energy. It is the physical matter of our bodies that combines with energy to create our Life. Every living thing is connected to its environment, not only physical environment, but to the other things and organisms in our environment. What is constantly flowing through these connections is energy, of any kind. When you move, energy is running through your body. When you step on the ground, kinetic energy hits the ground and moves the dirt or the grass, ever so slightly, affecting the ground and all the tiny organisms that live in and with it. When you eat something, you are taking in chemical energy. When you concentrate on something, you are expending energy on it. Everything does what it does because of Energy. Energy drives everything. Energy is all around us. Energy is a very strange thing. It is neither created nor destroyed. Energy simply IS. The entire physical universe is bound together and connected by Energy. Everything in the universe has been the result of complex connections of matter and energy. This is most evident when you look at Life. Every living organism is a system made up of matter that is connected by energy. When an organism dies, there is nothing physically different about the organism, only that it doesn't have that spark of energy that once animated it. Life is irreducibly the connection of matter and energy. The same thing goes for brain and neural functions. No one is exactly sure why the brain works. It just does. Your brain neurons are all interconnected, and running through these myriad connections is energy. The brain, along with life, is greater than the sum of its parts. People are connected, not only in the fact that we are physically made up of the same atoms and elements, compounds, organic molecules, and ultimately genes, but in the fact that everything that we do has some effect somewhere on some other persons life, no matter how insignificant. It has been scientifically proven that every human being is connected within Six Degrees of Separation of one another, and that study wasn't even taking into account our greatest connectivity asset, the Internet. It's the connection of matter and energy that produced the universe and life itself.

Matter and energy interacted in the very beginning, some people might call it the Big Bang, this massive collection of matter in the center of the universe that exploded in infinite directions when energy was applied to it. Our universe has been the complex playing out of the interaction and connection of matter and energy according to physical laws ever since, over billions of years. Everything is connected by the energy that we share. The omnipresence of Energy suggests to me that it is the same thing that people call God. Energy (God) drives everything in the universe, along with life. Organisms do everything that they do because of Energy and God. Humans connect to one another through Love. Love is energy that we share. If you look at Natural Man, the humans that existed before complex civilization and society, you can see that everything humans do is motivated by Love. People do the things they do out of love for themselves, love for their family, friends, significant others, their city, their state, their nation, their species, their world, their universe. At the very fundamental level of everything, people seek connection to their environment and to other human beings, and the reason they connect is for the sake of Energy to power themselves and their machines, Love of their fellow humans, and for God. People do everything they do because of those three things. God, Love and Energy are all the same thing. The Greeks had it right, Zeus (God) was represented as lightning, energy. Human beings are connected to their environment and to their fellow creatures and human beings. Life as we know it would not exist without these connections, and what flows between the connections is Energy God and Love. The meaning of Life is to connect. When you connect to your environment and to other people and things, that is what life is. Going out and connecting to everything and experiencing it is what Life is. People try to connect to each other whether they realize it or not. Culture is the means by which we connect. When you read a book, watch a movie, listen to music, go to a concert, you are connecting to the person or persons who composed the work and to the other people who connect with the work. You feel a feeling of goodness, of Love when you connect to an idea, work of art, to other PEOPLE. If you love something, you are connected to it. Human beings are unique in their ability to choose who and what they connect to, what they Love. We are able to use our Love, our Energy to accomplish our ends.

I've never been a religious person. My parents never took me to church, temple, mosque or any other house of worship. I consider myself to be an agnostic. However, I see the beauty in all things. It trips me out to think of the universe and how HUGE it is. I think that life is the most amazing thing, in its infinite connections there are fantastic things and people to discover. I think human beings are awesome. We're the only species that can think and manipulate energy for our own means. Humans do things at the very base out of love. That's all that we as humans want. We try to connect to things in order to get that Love, that Energy, to be one with God. I like to think that when you die, your energy, your spark of life joins the rest of the Energy in the universe and you feel complete, at one with God and everything. This is just an idea that I like that I thought I would share with friends. I've been trying to live my life in this manner. I've been trying to connect to everything at some level, because there is something beautiful to appreciate in everything in the universe. So go out into the world and connect with everything. Let love guide your actions. Let love of your fellow human beings and your world guide your actions. Connect, love, live.

I don't know if this makes sense to other people or not, but if it doesn't please tell me, I'm very open to constructive criticism on this. If you have questions about what the hell I'm talking about or if the manner in which I've written this is confusing, let me know and I'll try to explain it better.
